NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery for 50 Years

2001 User Survey Results




SatisfactionAverage Score
Mostly Satisfied 5.5 - 6.4
Somewhat Satisfied 4.5 - 5.4
ImportanceAverage Score
Very Important 2.5 - 3
Somewhat Important 1.5 - 2.4
Significance of Change
significant decrease
not significant


Satisfaction with Training:


TopicNo. of
 Std. Dev.Change
from 2000
NERSC Online Tutorials 75 5.97 1.04 -0.25
NERSC Classes 24 5.54 1.32 -1.17
Slides from classes 33 5.15 1.37 -0.98
NERSC Teleconferences 19 5.11 1.24 -0.89


How Useful are these resources for training in HPC?


TopicNo. of
 Std. Dev.Change
from 2000
Online Tutorials 66 2.55 0.68 -0.07
Slides from classes 40 2.10 0.81 -0.33
Classes 41 2.07 0.82 -0.60
Teleconference classes 31 1.61 0.76 -0.52


Comments about training:   25 responses


11   Haven't used
5   Offer more training in general
4   Offer more online tutorials
4   Satisfied / online documentation is adequate




Haven't used:

You are too far away for us to use your training.

I haven't used. Information about these is not well advertised.

haven't taken advantage of this at nersc but I think it's great the options are there!

Never went to these... what type of audience are they for?

Have never used, since they do not cover HPSS and PDSF!!!!

  not used

Haven't participated in training.

I don't use any of this.

i didn't know

I have not used the training services.

I haven't done any.  


Offer more training in general:

Slides from presentations are usually not very useful for somebody who didn't attend the course. I would like to see more teleconference lectures since my lab would probably not send me to Berkeley more than once or twice a year... I do agree that attending a class in person and talking directly to the instructor is MUCH better than teleconference though.

All of my dissatisfaction is due to the lack of proactive acquisition, user training, and the availability of a suitable partition for the in-depth performance analysis of large production codes on seaborg. I would like to learn and be able to get hardware performance counter information and MPI performance information for PCM. I have tried to do this at the NCAR site using the available IBM documentation. It has been an extremely frustrating and daunting task. I think that NERSC has the resources to provide this capability and training......

I need info on how to get trained so I can be better productive

Parallelization (to enable the transition for users from serial to parallel versions, more easily). Visualization (handling huge amounts of data)

Offer more training. Similar to what is going on right now (Oct. 10-13), but at a time when I can make it!  


Offer more online tutorials:

  Online web tutorials should be increased and made available to public

perhaps more online tutorials on using MPP's more effectively

Improve tutorials. Focus on the scientist who isn't a trained Computer Scientist

Web tutorials!  


Satisfied / online documentation is adequate:

Have not participated in training. We did try one teleconference but reading online documents seemed to suit us better.

I've found your web tutorials are very useful. FAQ's are especially useful, as many users make the same mistakes  

Nothing beats a well written and easy to find manual

Two of my students have attended ACTS 2000 and found it very useful, so I am happy though I have not attended.  



Again PDSF is a special case. Web-based documentation could improve but that's always true, the key people are too busy making the system work well.