NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery for 50 Years

Research and Development

As well as providing production computing services NERSC also participates in research and development activities in order to ensure the high performance computing systems of the future continue to meet the needs of scientists.


The Superfacility concept is a framework for integrating experimental and observational instruments with computational and data facilities. Read More »

Data Analytics

NERSC engages in research and development to ensure highly-scalable, productive data, AI and analytics tools are available and deployed at NERSC; as well as to promote the use of cutting-edge data and analytics approaches and technologies in science. Recent activity is outlined below. Read More »


The National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center sees its role in the budding QIS field as a centralized resource for users who want to bridge the gap between classical computing and quantum computing for applications in chemistry, physics, materials science, drug discovery, and more. Read More »


The NERSC Exascale Science Application Program (NESAP) is a collaborative effort in which NERSC partners with code teams, vendors, and library and tools developers to prepare for advanced architectures and new systems. Read More »

Advanced Technologies Research at NERSC

NERSC's Advanced Technologies Group engages with other national labs, vendors, and the general research community to help define and evaluate technologies that enhance the effectiveness of HPC for scientific research. Read More »

NERSC proxy suite

NERSC is developing a suite of proxies that are representative of the NERSC workload, these range from micro-kernels to mini-applications.With the recent explosion of novel computer architectures, due to a combination of slowing of Moore’s law, the end of Denard scaling, the emergence of deep learning in scientific workflows and a corresponding proliferation of programming models, application developers face new challenges to keep pace and deliver optimized codes.In this era of… Read More »

HPC Requirements Reviews

The user requirements reviews are held to ensure that DOE can meet the scientific needs of the Office of Science and its researchers. Read More »


The focus of the APEX collaboration is on the application performance of high-performance computers and on meeting the mission needs of its partners in pursuing advanced technology concepts. Read More »

Exascale Computing

Learn about NERSC's research and development of exascale computing systems that deliver high impact across science domains, and demonstrate a new model for interaction between laboratories and vendors to create highly effective computing platforms. Read More »