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NERSC Users Group (NUG)

The NERSC Users’ Group, NUG, welcomes participation from all NERSC users. NUG provides advice and feedback to NERSC on the current state and future delivery of NERSC resources and services. NUG promotes the effective use of the high performance computing facilities at NERSC by sharing information about experiences in using the facility, suggesting new research and technology directions in scientific computing, and voicing user concerns.

NUG members converse with NERSC and DOE through monthly teleconferences, NUG email lists, and yearly face-to-face meetings.

NERSC holds annual face-to-face meetings. 

Monthly NUG Community Calls

This page lists the NERSC User Group (NUG) monthly user telecons and webinars. Read More »

NUG Annual Meetings

NUG holds annual meetings. The annual meetings usually consist of one "business day" and one to three days of High Performance Computing training. Read More »

SIG Experimental Facility Users

NUG is sponsoring a Special Interest Group (SIG) within the NERSC Users Group for Experimental Facility Users. Read More »

NUG Executive Committee (NUGEX)

NUGEX is the voice of the user community to NERSC and DOE. NUGEX members serve three-year terms. They are consulted on many NERSC policies and participate in requirements reviews for HPC and storage. Read More »

NUGEX Positions - Now accepting nominations

We are currently seeking volunteers and nominations for NUGEX - if you would like to participate, or to nominate a potential NUGEX member, please fill in and submit the form at The Executive Committee (NUGEX) of the NERSC User’s Group (NUG) is a group of NERSC users who oversee NUG activities for the benefit of NERSC’s user community of over 8,000 researchers across all scientific domains of the DOE Office of Science. NUGEX will meet regularly (up to 1… Read More »

NUG Charter

NERSC Users Group (NUG) is the user group for the NERSC facility at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. This charter outlines its membership and operations. Read More »


All NERSC Users are Welcome to Join the NERSC Users Slack workspace. Read More »

NUG Task Forces and Working Groups

The National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC) Users Group (NUG) is the users group for the NERSC facility at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. NERSC is developed and maintained under the auspices of the Office of Science, U. S. Department of Energy (DOE). Read More »

Fortran Users of NERSC (FUN) Group

The Fortran Users of NERSC (FUN) Group welcomes all NERSC users making use of or interested in the Fortran programming language. Whether you're actively writing Fortran code, or just running programs written in Fortran, the FUN Group's goal is to make Fortran users more productive. We host a monthly "office hours" meeting to discuss issues and learn about new tools, techniques and language enhancements. We also occasionally provide Fortran specific training sessions.If you're on the NERSC User… Read More »