NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery for 50 Years

2000 User Survey Results



SatisfactionAverage ScoreSignificance of Change
Very Satisfied 6.5 - 7   not significant
Mostly Satisfied 5.5 - 6.4
UsefulnessAverage Score
Very Useful 2.5 - 3
Somewhat Useful 1.5 - 2.4

Training Satisfaction

TopicNo. who have usedSatisfaction with NERSC'sUseful in HPC training?
ResponsesAvg. (1-7)Std. Dev.Change from '99ResponsesAvg. (1-3)
Classes 13 14 6.71 1.53 0.52 15 2.67
Online web tutorials 32 32 6.22 0.94 0.05 34 2.62
Slides from classes on web 22 23 6.13 1.52 0.18 21 2.43
Teleconference lectures 12 13 6.00 2.25 0.22 15 2.13

Comments about training. In what area should we focus our attention? 5 responses

Short, concise, easy to find, relevant info on the Web. Something I can print out and use as a handy reference.

I learned a lot from various training classes, especially when I was new to NERSC.

A short 3-4day workshop training would be very helpfull.

I have so little spare time it is hard to say what I would attend. What Phase II of the IBM-SP arrives, you may need some programming classes on effective use of the hybrid architecture.

I have not seen any classes advertised that looked interesting enough to take me away from my immediate assignments. Maybe I am not a good target for them however.