NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery for 50 Years

2000 User Survey Results

All Satisfaction Questions and FY 1999 to FY 2000 Changes


Very Satisfied 7
Mostly Satisfied 6
Somewhat Satisfied 5
Neutral 4

How Satisfied are you?

TopicNo. of Responses
Training: classes (attendees) 14 6.71
Software: PVP Fortran Compilers 32 6.66
Consulting: Timely response 100 6.63
SP: Uptime 50 6.52
Consulting: Quality of technical advice 99 6.49
Consulting: Followup 84 6.42
PVP: Uptime 39 6.41
Software: T3E Fortran Compilers 60 6.40
Consulting overall 111 6.39
Account support 106 6.39
HPSS: Reliability 62 6.39
Software: PVP Local documentation 21 6.38
Account support: Ease of obtaining account info 83 6.34
HPSS: Uptime 62 6.31
HPSS: Overall 70 6.26
Software: PVP User Environment 32 6.25
Web: Accuracy 81 6.22
Training: Online Tutorials 32 6.22
HPSS: Performance 64 6.20
Software: T3E User Environment 57 6.18
Software: T3E Programming Libraries 39 6.18
Consulting: Response to special requests 74 6.16
Overall satisfaction with NERSC 128 6.15
HPSS: User interface 63 6.14
HPCF web site overall 103 6.13
Training: Online class slides 19 6.13
PVP: Ability to run interactively 35 6.11
T3E: Uptime 65 6.09
Software maintenance and configuration 88 6.08
Software: SP User Environment 46 6.07
Software: SP Fortran Compilers 46 6.07
Software: PVP Performance and Debugging Tools 16 6.06
Software: SP Local documentation 39 6.05
Mass storage overall 90 6.03
HPSS: Response Time 75 6.03
Network connectivity 104 6.01
T3E: Overall 70 6.01
Hardware management and configuration 98 6.00
Web: Timeliness 76 6.00
Web: T3E Section 66 6.00
Software: T3E Local documentation 42 6.00
Software: SP Programming Libraries 30 6.00
Software: PVP C/C++ Compilers 13 6.00
Training: Teleconference lectures 13 6.00
Available software 107 5.98
Web: Getting Started Guide 55 5.96
Account support: Ease of modifying account info 68 5.93
Software: T3E C/C++ Compilers 30 5.93
Software: PVP General tools and utilities 14 5.93
Web: NERSC-specific info 67 5.91
Available computing hardware 109 5.90
Software: PVP Accounting tools 20 5.90
SP: Overall 56 5.88
PVP: Overall 44 5.86
Software: PVP Application software 18 5.83
Software: PVP Programming Libraries 16 5.81
Allocations process 98 5.79
Web: File Storage Section 46 5.78
Web: Ease of navigation 92 5.78
Software: T3E Application software 23 5.78
PVP: Disk configuration and I/O performance 31 5.77
Web: SP Section 57 5.75
Software: T3E Accounting tools 36 5.75
Software: SP General tools and utilities 25 5.72
Software: SP C/C++ Compilers 25 5.72
T3E: Ability to run interactively 58 5.71
Software: T3E Bug resolution 30 5.70
Software: PVP Vendor Documentation 16 5.69
Software: SP Application software 18 5.67
Software: T3E General tools and utilities 37 5.65
Web: Programming Info 71 5.63
Software documentation 95 5.62
Web: Searching 70 5.61
Software: T3E Vendor Documentation 29 5.59
Web: PVP Section 43 5.56
Software: T3E Performance and Debugging Tools 39 5.56
Math Server: Newton 11 5.55
SP: Ability to run interactively 41 5.51
Software: SP Vendor Documentation 26 5.50
Software: SP Bug resolution 22 5.45
T3E: Disk configuration and I/O performance 71 5.35
Software: SP Accounting tools 26 5.31
T3E: Batch queue structure 56 5.27
Visualization Server: Escher 8 5.25
Web-based training 61 5.23
SP: Batch queue structure 41 5.22
SP: Disk configuration and I/O performance 40 5.20
Training classes (all responses) 47 5.13
Software: PVP Bug resolution 10 5.10
PVP: Batch queue structure 34 5.03
Software: SP Performance and Debugging Tools 29 4.69
Visualization services 45 4.67
SP: Batch wait time 46 4.54
T3E: Batch wait time 63 4.33
PVP: Batch wait time 38 4.26


FY 1999 to FY 2000 Changes

The following are statistically significant changes in responses to questions common to the FY 1999 and FY 2000 user surveys.

TopicFY 2000 SatisfactionFY 1999 SatisfactionChange
PVP Cluster: Ability to run interactively 6.11 5.18 +0.93
PVP Cluster: Overall 5.86 5.05 +0.81
PVP NERSC Documentation 6.38 5.68 +0.70
PVP Vendor Documentation 5.69 5.03 +0.66
PVP Fortran Compilers 6.66 6.04 +0.62
PVP Performance and Debugging Tools 6.06 5.46 +0.60
HPSS Response Time 6.03 5.68 +0.35
HPSS Performance 6.20 5.90 +0.30
Hardware management and configuration 6.00 5.71 +0.29
HPCF Website 6.13 5.87 +0.26
T3E Fortran Compilers 6.40 6.20 +0.20
Consulting Services 6.39 6.58 -0.19
T3E Batch Job Wait Time 4.33 5.04 -0.71