NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery for 50 Years

Rosario Martinez

20230414 110803
Rosario Martinez
Storage Systems Developer
Storage Systems Group
National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Mailstop: 59R401A
Berkeley, CA 94720 us

Rosario Martinez joined the storage systems group in 2022. As a storage systems developer, they work with the Department of Energy labs and IBM on HPSS development tasks. They also support with the system at NERSC by working to maintain and modernize the system.


Nicholas Balthaser, Rosario Martinez, Current HPSS Projects 2023, LLNL HPSS DevOps Quarterly Telecon, May 11, 2023,

A look at current HPSS operational and development projects at NERSC, as of May 2023.

Nicholas Balthaser, Rosario Martinez, HPSS Software Development at NERSC, NERSC Software Engineering Group, May 4, 2023,

Overview of NERSC software development efforts for the High Performance Storage System (HPSS)