NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery for 50 Years

2003 User Survey Results

Respondent Demographics

Number of respondents to the survey: 326

  • Respondents by DOE Office and User Role
  • Respondents by Organization
  • Which NERSC resources do you use?
  • How long have you used NERSC?
  • What desktop systems do you use to connect to NERSC?
  • Web Browser Used to Take Survey
  • Operating System Used to Take Survey


Respondents by DOE Office and User Role:

ASCR 20 6
BER 32 10
BES 89 27
FES 35 11
HENP 146 45
guests 4 1
User RoleNumberPercent
Principal Investigators 43 13
PI Proxies 37 11
Project Managers 17 5
Users 229 70


Respondents by Organization:

Organization TypeNumberPercent
Universities 182 55.8
DOE Labs 120 36.8
Other Govt Labs 12 3.7
Industry 6 1.8
Private Labs 6 1.8
Berkeley Lab 59 18.1
UC Berkeley 17 5.2
Livermore 11 3.4
Oak Ridge 9 2.8
Argonne 8 2.5
Brookhaven 8 2.5
Stanford 8 2.5
U. South Carolina 8 2.5
UC Davis 7 2.1
U. Wisconsin - Madison 7 2.1
Yale 7 2.1
NREL 6 1.8
SLAC 6 1.8
U. Colorado 6 1.8
U. Washington 6 1.8
PNNL 5 1.5
UCLA 5 1.5
Ames Lab 4 1.2
Inst National de Physique 4 1.2
Ohio State 4 1.2
Purdue 4 1.2
U. Texas - Austin 4 1.2
Auburn U. 3
Cal Tech 3
Georgia IT 3
Harvard 3
Max Planck Inst. 3
New York U. 3
UC San Diego 3
UC Santa Cruz 3
U. Oklahoma 3
Vanderbilt 3
City College NY 2
Inst NdFN Italy 2
Iowa State 2
Johns Hopkins 2
Joint Inst Nuc Research 2
Mississippi State 2
New Mexico State 2
N. Carolina State 2
Northeastern U. 2
U. Chicago 2
U. Maryland 2
U. S. California 2
U. Utah 2
UC Irvine 2
UC Santa Barbara 2
Warsaw Tech 2
Other University 38
Other Gov. Labs 8
Industry 6
Other DOE Labs 4
Other Private Labs 3


Which NERSC resources do you use?

Note that users did not always check all the resources they use -- compare the table below with How Satisfied are you? (sorted by Number of Responses).

SP 226
HPSS 145
NIM 87
Consulting 80
HPCF Website 73
Account Support 55
Computer Operations and Network Support 26
CVS 16
grid 13
Newton 12
Escher 11
Visualization Services 9
Alvarez 9
The lattice gauge connection 1
not yet 1


How long have you used NERSC?

less than 6 months 61 19
6 months - 3 years 161 51
more than 3 years 95 30


What desktop systems do you use to connect to NERSC?

UNIX Total 338
PC Total 195
Mac Total 60
UNIX-linux 229
PC-win2000 84
PC-winXP 79
UNIX-solaris 54
PC-win98 27
UNIX-irix 24
MAC-macos 19
UNIX-aix 15
UNIX-tru64 10
UNIX-hpux 4
PC-win95 3
Cygwin 2
UNIX-other 2
PC-other 2
OSF1 1
iMac 1
FreeBSD 1
alpha 1


Web Browser Used to Take Survey:

Mozilla 91 26.1
MS Internet Explorer 6 90 25.9
Netscape 4 59 17.0
Netscape 7 46 13.2
Safari 22 6.3
MS Internet Explorer 5 15 4.3
Galeon 9 2.6
Konqueror 7 2.0
Netscape 6 6 1.7
w3m (Text browser) 1 0.3
Opera 6.0 1 0.3
Opera 7 1 0.3


OS Used to Take Survey:

UNIX Total 164 47.1
Windows Total 145 41.7
MacIntosh Total 39 11.2
Linux 136 39.1
Windows XP Pro 70 20.1
Windows NT 64 18.4
Mac PowerPC 39 11.2
SunOS 19 5.5
Windows 98 10 2.9
DEC OSF 5 1.4
SGI IRIX 4 1.1
Windows 2000