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NERSC Center News

Berkeley Lab-led Collaborations Honored for HPC Innovation Excellence

January 8, 2018

Two Berkeley Lab-led projects—Celeste and Galactos—were honored with Hyperion Research’s 2017 HPC Innovation Excellence Award for "the outstanding application of HPC for business and scientific achievements." Read More »

Berkeley Lab Staff to Participate in Major Machine Learning Conference

December 1, 2017

Berkeley Lab’s growing involvement in deep learning research and development will be evident next week when several staff members present papers and posters for the first time at the 2017 Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS). Read More »

New 'Storage 2020' Report Outlines Vision for Future HPC Storage

December 1, 2017

A new report, “NERSC Storage 2020,” provides a detailed roadmap and NERSC’s storage vision to address the overwhelming data storage challenges the science community is expected to face over the next decade and beyond. Read More »

2017 Techwomen Foster Collaborations at Berkeley Lab and Around the Globe

October 16, 2017

Berkeley Lab's Daniela Ushizima, Romy Chakraborty and Jackie Scoggins are collaborating with two Techwomen—Patu Ndango from Cameroon and Rim Abid from Tunisia—on quality control methods for constrained environments. Read More »

NERSC Staff Help Support Diversity in Computing at 2017 Tapia Conference

October 11, 2017

A number of NERSC staff participated in the 2017 Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing, held September 20-23 in Atlanta, GA. Read More »

2017 Nobel Prize Recipient a Former NERSC PI

October 5, 2017

Joachim Frank, a recipient of the 2017 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, developed the computational methods central to 3D image reconstruction in cryo-electron microscopy. Read More »

NERSC Hosts 2017 Slurm User Group Meeting

October 3, 2017

NERSC hosted the 2017 Slurm User Group meeting September 24-26 at Berkeley Lab—the largest SLUG meeting to date, with 85 attendees from the U.S., Europe and Australia. Read More »

NERSC Announces 2017 HPC Achievement Awards

September 22, 2017

NERSC announced the recipients of the 2017 High Performance Computing Achievement Awards September 21 during the annual NERSC Users Group meeting at Berkeley Lab. Read More »

Intel, NERSC and University Partners Launch New Big Data Center

August 24, 2017

A collaboration between the Department of Energy’s National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center, Intel and five Intel Parallel Computing Centers has resulted in a new Big Data Center that will work both on code modernization and tackle real science challenges. Read More »

NERSC Data Day, Annual User Group Meeting Set for Sept. 19-21

August 23, 2017

NERSC’s Data Day and the 2017 NERSC User Group annual meeting are being combined this year, giving NERSC users the opportunity to attend both in one venue. Read More »

DOE User Facilities Join Forces to Tackle Biology’s Big Data

July 25, 2017

Six proposals have been selected to participate in a new partnership between NERSC and JGI, called the FICUS initiative. Researchers will leverage the expertise and capabilities available at the two facilities to explore the wealth of genomic and metagenomic data generated worldwide to accelerate discoveries. Read More »

NERSC Student Cluster Competition Team Ready for ISC17

June 14, 2017

Five former NERSC interns and one current student assistant are joining forces to participate in the Student Cluster Competition at ISC17, June 18-22 in Frankfurt, Germany. Read More »

NERSC, CRD Staff Make Big Contributions to Cray Users Group Meeting

May 1, 2017

NERSC, Cori and many aspects of using Cori - including Knights Landing processors, NESAP, performance, software, Burst Buffer, Shifter, SLURM, system management and system monitoring - were well represented at the 2017 Cray Users Group meeting. Read More »

Shyh Wang Hall Achieves LEED Gold Certification

March 29, 2017

Berkeley Lab’s Shyh Wang Hall—home to the Computing Sciences organization and NERSC's supercomputing resources—earned a Gold LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification from the U.S. Green Building Council. Read More »

NERSC’s First 'NESAP for Data' Teams Hit the Ground Running

January 18, 2017

Following a call for proposals issued last October, NERSC has selected 6 science application teams to participate in the NERSC Exascale Science Applications Program for Data (NESAP for Data) program. Read More »

Gerber Tapped to Oversee NERSC’s High Performance Computing Department

January 17, 2017

Richard Gerber, who has been at NERSC for 20 years, has been named head of the center’s High Performance Computing (HPC) Department. Read More »

Former NERSC Intern Honored by the National Center for Women & IT

January 5, 2017

Elizabeth Wang, a summer intern at NERSC in 2015 and a member of NERSC’s first student cluster competition team at ISC 2016, has been selected as a 2017 National Honorable Mention recipient of the National Center for Women in IT Award for Aspirations in Computing. Read More »

January 7 Memorial for William Harris, Former NERSC Operations Lead

January 3, 2017

A memorial service will be held at noon Saturday, January 7, for William Harris, former head of NERSC’s Computer Operations and Network Support Group. Read More »

Cori Supercomputer Now Fully Installed at Berkeley Lab

November 16, 2016

Cori, the Cray XC40 system that is the latest addition to the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center’s (NERSC) supercomputing repertoire, is now fully installed and ready to support scientific simulations and data-intensive workflows. Read More »

NERSC's 'Shifter' Scales up to More Than 9,000 Cori KNL Processors

November 7, 2016

Shifter—the scalable software toolkit that leverages container-based computing to help supercomputer users run a wider range of software more easily and securely—is now better than ever. Read More »

Jupyter Notebooks Will Open up New Possibilities on NERSC’s Cori Supercomputer

November 2, 2016

NERSC is using Jupyter notebooks to help users more easily access computing resources and will expand these capabilities when the fully deployed Cori supercomputer goes into production this fall. Read More »

NERSC Partners with Cray, ESnet to Bring Software Defined Networking to Cori

November 1, 2016

NERSC is exploring new ways to more efficiently move data in and out of Cori, its newest supercomputer, including software-defined networking. Read More »

NERSC, CRD Staff Honored with Berkeley Lab Director's Achievement Awards

October 25, 2016

Several staff in Berkeley Lab's Computing Sciences organization are recipients of this year’s Director’s Awards for Exceptional Achievement. Read More »

NERSC Issues ‘NESAP for Data’ Call for Proposals

October 4, 2016

NERSC is now accepting applications for participation in the new NESAP for Data program, an extension of the popular NERSC Exascale Science Applications Program (NESAP). Read More »

Unique Collaboration Enhances Optical Chip Design Process

September 26, 2016

A unique collaboration between computer scientists and mathematicians from Berkeley Lab’s Computing Sciences group and Ciena has helped dramatically improve design cycle times for the major U.S. telecommunications equipment provider's high-speed optical networking components. Read More »

NERSC Helps Scientists Study Plants’ Plumbing

September 20, 2016

Science teams working to resolve open questions about how plants transport water performed an intensive round of experiments that yielded a terabyte of 3D imaging data to be stored and analyzed at NERSC. Read More »

Cory Snavely Named Group Lead for Infrastructure Services

September 12, 2016

Cory Snavely, a senior computer systems engineer who joined NERSC in March 2015, has been named group lead for the Infrastructure Services Group. Read More »

Berkeley Lab to Partner with Five U.S. Manufacturers via HPC4Mfg Program

August 30, 2016

The U.S. Department of Energy’s High Performance Computing for Manufacturing (HPC4Mfg) Program has announced $3.8 million in funding for 13 new industry projects in the second round of the HPC4Mfg program, and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory has been selected to partner with five of the new projects. Read More »

NERSC’s First ‘Data Day’ Showcases HPC Tools for Data-Intensive Science

August 24, 2016

Approximately 90 HPC enthusiasts attended NERSC’s first-ever “Data Day,” a two-day event designed to bring together researchers who use, or are interested in using, NERSC systems for data-intensive work. Read More »

Latest NERSC/Intel/Cray ‘Dungeon Session’ Yields Impressive Code Speedups

August 19, 2016

Six application development teams participating in NESAP, NERSC’s next-generation code optimization effort, gathered at Intel in early August for a marathon “dungeon” session designed to help tweak their codes for the next-generation Intel Xeon Phi Knight’s Landing manycore architecture at the heart of NERSC’s new Cori supercomputer. Read More »

Energy Department to Invest $16 Million in Computer Design of Materials

August 16, 2016

The U.S. Department of Energy will invest $16 million over the next four years to accelerate the design of new materials through use of supercomputers, including NERSC's new 30-petaflop/s Cori system. Read More »

NERSC Staff, Users Readying for Delivery of Cori Phase 2 Knights Landing-based System in July

June 20, 2016

For the past year, staff at NERSC have been preparing users of 20 leading science applications for the arrival of the second phase of its newest supercomputer, Cori. Cori consists of more than 9,300 nodes containing Intel’s Xeon Phi Knights Landing processor, which was officially unveiled today, June 20, at the International Supercomputer Conference in Germany. Read More »

NERSC Fields Its First Student Cluster Competition Team

June 6, 2016

Five former NERSC interns and one current intern have joined forces to participate in the Student Cluster Competition at ISC16, marking the first time that NERSC has fielded a student cluster competition team Read More »

NERSC Hosts 50 Enthusiastic Computer Science Students from Dougherty Valley High

May 31, 2016

A group of 50 enthusiastic computer science students from Dougherty Valley High School in San Ramon, CA visited NERSC May 26. Read More »

NERSC’s Brian Friesen Helps Cray Surprise an Inquisitive High School Student

May 23, 2016

About a month ago, Hugo Villanueva of John F. Kennedy Middle College High School in Southern California was trying to calculate the probability of surviving a zombie apocalypse, but his handheld calculator couldn’t handle the problem. So he wrote a letter to Cray Inc. asking for help. Read More »

CUG Honors NERSC Burst Buffer Early User Program with ‘Best Paper’

May 11, 2016

A new paper outlining NERSC's Burst Buffer Early User Program and the center’s pioneering efforts in recent months to test drive the technology using real science applications on Cori Phase 1 has won the Best Paper award at this year’s Cray User Group meeting. Read More »

Hazen Named Storage Systems Group Lead

May 10, 2016

Damian Hazen, who has been with NERSC since 2001, has been named group lead for the Storage Systems Group. Read More »

Berkeley Lab Hosts Fourth X-Stack PI Meeting

April 25, 2016

Berkeley Lab hosted the fourth annual X-Stack PI meeting April 6 and 7, where X-Stack researchers, the facilities teams, applications scientists and developers from national laboratories, universities and industry met to share the latest developments in X-Stack application codes. Read More »

NERSC Announces 4th Annual HPC Achievement Award Winners

March 22, 2016

NERSC announced the winners of the 2016 High Performance Computing Achievement Awards during the annual NERSC Users Group meeting at Berkeley Lab. Read More »

Berkeley Lab Opens State-of-the-Art Facility for Computational Science

November 12, 2015

Shyh Wang Hall, a new center for advancing computational science and networking at research institutions and universities across the country, opened November 12 at Berkeley Lab. Read More »

National Labs Collaborate to Shape Development of Next-Generation Supercomputers

November 10, 2015

Three of the Department of Energy's leading national laboratories are working together to solve some of the world's most challenging problems by ensuring that the nation's scientific community has access to leading edge computing systems to carry out their research. Read More »

ESnet, NERSC Blaze 400G Production Network Path

November 10, 2015

The Department of Energy’s ESnet and NERSC have built a 400 gigabit-per-second super-channel, the first-ever 400G production link to be deployed by a national research and education network. Read More »

Berkeley Lab’s New Computing Sciences Facility Features First-of-Its-Kind Seismic Floor

November 9, 2015

When the new Wang Hall building at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) is officially unveiled November 12, one of its most unique features will not be on display. In fact, it is tucked away beneath the floor of the CRT’s 20,000 square foot machine room, keeping the facility’s supercomputers and servers safe from potential damage during an earthquake. Read More »

Cray, AMPLab, NERSC Collaboration Targets Spark Performance on HPC Platforms

November 4, 2015

As data-centric workloads become increasingly common in scientific and industrial applications, a pressing concern is how to design large-scale data analytics stacks that simplify analysis of the resulting data. A new collaboration between Cray, researchers at UC Berkeley’s AMPLab and Berkeley Lab’s National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC) is working to address this issue. The need to build and study increasingly detailed models of physical phenomena has benefited from… Read More »

HPSS Disk Cache Upgrade Caters to Capacity

October 16, 2015

NERSC users today are benefitting from a business decision made three years ago by the center’s Storage Systems Group as they were looking to upgrade the High-Performance Storage System disk cache: rather than focus primarily on bandwidth challenges, why not improve capacity as well? Read More »

Hick Shifts Gears in NERSC’s Storage Systems Group, Takes on New Role

October 7, 2015

Jason Hick, who has been Group Lead of the Storage Systems Group (SSG) at NERSC since first coming to the center in 2006, has decided to return to his roots as a senior storage engineer. Read More »

NERSC Hosts 150 HPC Experts as they Prepare for Intel’s Xeon Phi Processor

October 6, 2015

About 150 members of the high performance computing community spent four days preparing for the next generation of processor architectures at the 2015 IXPUG (Intel Xeon Phi Users Group) meeting at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Read More »

Early Users to Test New Burst Buffer on Cori

October 5, 2015

NERSC has selected a number of HPC research projects to participate in the center’s new Burst Buffer Early User Program, where they will be able to test and run their codes using the new Burst Buffer feature on the center’s newest supercomputer, Cori. Read More »

New DOE Office of Science support for CAMERA to develop computational mathematics for experimental facilities research

September 22, 2015

The Department of Energy has announced approval of a joint ASCR-BES-supported award of $10.5 million over three years to expand the Center for Advanced Mathematics for Energy Research Applications (CAMERA). Read More »

Berkeley Lab Climate Software Honored for Pattern Recognition Advances

September 17, 2015

TECA, the Toolkit for Extreme Climate Analysis developed at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory to help climate researchers detect extreme weather events in large datasets, has been recognized for its achievements in solving large scale pattern recognition problems. Read More »

Berkeley Lab Joins DOE’s New HPC4Manufacturing Program

September 15, 2015

Berkeley Lab is collaborating with Lawrence Livermore and Oak Ridge national laboratories to lead a new Department of Energy program designed to fund and foster public-private R&D projects that enhance U.S. competitiveness in clean energy manufacturing. Read More »

Berkeley Lab Highlights HPC at Advanced Manufacturing Event

September 14, 2015

Peter Nugent, Division Deputy for Scientific Engagement in Berkeley Lab’s Computational Research Division, and David Skinner, who leads NERSC’s Strategic Partnerships effort, are participating this week in the third annual 2015 American Energy & Manufacturing Competitiveness Summit, where they will be discussing the increasing role of high performance computing in U.S. manufacturing. The two-day summit is being hosted September 15-16, 2015 in Washington, DC by the Council on… Read More »

NERSC Staff Honored with Director’s Awards for Exceptional Achievement

September 14, 2015

Five employees in the Computing Sciences organization staff, including NERSC's Brent Draney and Lynn Rippe, are recipients of this year’s Director’s Award for Exceptional Achievement. The honorees will be recognized at a future Lab awards ceremony and reception. Read More »

NERSC Accelerates Scientific Analysis with SciDB

August 26, 2015

Tackling extreme data challenges will require a system that is easy enough for any scientist to use, that can effectively harness the power of ever more powerful supercomputers, and that is unified and extendable. This is where NERSC’s implementation of SciDB comes in. Read More »

‘Shifter’ Makes Container-based HPC a Breeze

August 11, 2015

To facilitate the use of container-based computing in HPC, NERSC is enabling Docker-like container technology on its systems through its new, customized - and soon to be open source - software tool, Shifter. Read More »

Computing Sciences Staff Help East Bay High Schoolers Upgrade their Summer

August 6, 2015

Thirty-eight students from 10 East Bay high schools registered for Laney College's eight-week "Upgrade: Computer Science Program." Berkeley Lab and NERSC's participation grew out of a career pathways workshop where Jon Bashor of Computing Sciences met Laney College’s Johnnie Williams, who developed and led the program. Read More »

First NESAP Post-doc Takes on BoxLib

June 22, 2015

The first of eight post-doctoral researchers participating in the NERSC Exascale Science Applications Program (NESAP) joined the NESAP team May 18. Read More »

David Turner to Retire from NERSC User Services Group

June 17, 2015

Long-time User Services Group consultant David Turner is hanging up his headset after 17 years at NERSC. Read More »

Francesca Verdier to Leave NERSC after 19 Years in User Services, Allocations

June 10, 2015

After 19 years at NERSC and many more than that in HPC, Francesca Verdier--currently NERSC’s allocations manager--will retire in June 2015. Read More »

NERSC, Cray Move Forward With Next-Generation Scientific Computing

April 22, 2015

The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) National Energy Research Scientific Computing (NERSC) Center and Cray Inc. announced today that they have finalized a new contract for a Cray XC40 supercomputer that will be the first NERSC system installed in the newly built Computational Research and Theory facility at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Read More »

MyNERSC Gives Users Easier Access to Data, Jobs, Wait Times

April 6, 2015

MyNERSC, a web-based portal that provides NERSC users with real-time information on their jobs, disk usage, allocations and queue wait times, is garnering rave reviews following recent upgrades that have broadened its functionality and streamlined its ease of use. Read More »

Former NERSC Consultant Mentors Math, Computer Science Students

March 10, 2015

Frank Hale, a former consultant in NERSC’s User Services Group (USG) who currently tutors math at Diablo Valley College in Pleasant Hill, CA, recently brought a group of computer science enthusiasts from the college to NERSC for a tour. Read More »

NERSC Users Learn Code Optimization Tips and Tricks at 1st Hackathon

March 6, 2015

A one-day "Hack-A-Thon" held February 25 at NERSC’s Oakland Scientific Facility during the annual NERSC Users Group (NUG) meeting has been deemed a rousing success by organizers and attendees alike. Read More »

NERSC Honors Third Annual HPC Achievement Award Winners

February 24, 2015

NERSC announced the winners of its third annual High Performance Computing Achievement Awards February 24, 2015, during the annual NERSC User Group meeting at Berkeley Lab. Read More »

NERSC Implements Organizational Changes to Better Address Evolving Data Environment

February 23, 2015

NERSC is making several organizational changes to help the center’s 6,000 users more productively manage their data-intensive research. The changes took effect Monday, Feb. 23. Read More »

Local High School Students Tour NERSC

February 17, 2015

In February, two groups of students from East Bay high schools descended on the Oakland Scientific Facility to learn more about supercomputing and networking. Read More »

NERSC Seeks Industry Partners for Collaborative Research

January 28, 2015

NERSC has launched a private sector partnership program to make its computing capabilities available to industry partners working in key technology areas that support the DOE mission. Read More »

NERSC Wins HPCWire Editors' Choice Award

November 19, 2014

NERSC was awarded HPCWire’s 2014 Editors’ Choice Award for Best HPC Collaboration Between Government & Industry for its partnership with Intel and Cray in preparation for Cori, the Cray XC supercomputer slated to be deployed at NERSC in 2016. Read More »

SC14 DOE Booth Presentations by NERSC, Berkeley Lab Staff

November 17, 2014

At the DOE booth (#1939) during the SC14 conference this week, NERSC and Berkeley Lab staff will give featured talks, present demonstrations and host roundtable discussions. Read More »

NERSC Scientists Contribute to SC14 Technical Program

November 17, 2014

Here's a look at the various talks, presentations, tutorials and demos that NERSC and other Berkeley Lab staff will be participating in during SC14. Read More »

A Comprehensive Look at High Performance Parallel I/O

November 10, 2014

In this era of “big data,” high performance parallel I/O is extremely important. Yet, the last book to summarize best practices in this area was written more than 10 years ago. To fill the void, Berkeley Lab's Prabhat and HDF Group's Quincey Koziol brought together leading practitioners, researchers, software architects, developers and scientists to contribute their insights for a new book called “High Performance Parallel I/O.” Read More »

Cybersecurity Expert Jim Mellander Retiring from NERSC

October 22, 2014

Jim Mellander, senior cyber security engineer at NERSC, is retiring November 1. He’s been with the center since 2009 and affiliated with Berkeley Lab for nearly 15 years. Read More »

NERSC Hosts Application Readiness and Portability Meeting with OLCF and ALCF

September 25, 2014

Over 30 staff members from NERSC, Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility and Argonne Leadership Computing Facility met at Berkeley Lab’s Oakland Scientific Facility September 24-25 to coordinate strategies for application readiness in preparation for the next generation of supercomputers. Read More »

John Shalf Gives Talk at San Francisco High Performance Computing Meetup

September 17, 2014

In his role as NERSC’s chief technology officer, John Shalf gave a talk on “Converging Interconnect Requirements for HPC and Warehouse Scale Computing at San Francisco High Performance Computing Meetup. Read More »

Prabhat Steps In as DAS Group Lead

September 1, 2014

Prabhat has been named Group Lead of the Data and Analytics Services (DAS) Group at NERSC. Read More »

Kjiersten Fagnan Appointed NERSC/JGI Engagement Lead

September 1, 2014

Kjiersten Fagnan has been named the NERSC/JGI Engagement Lead for Joint Genome Institute computational and data analysis efforts carried out at NERSC. Read More »

NERSC Selects 20 NESAP Code Teams

August 25, 2014

NERSC has accepted 20 projects into the NERSC Exascale Scientific Applications Program, a new collaborative effort that partners NERSC, Intel and Cray resources with code teams across the U.S. to prepare for Cori, the center’s next-generation supercomputer. Read More »

NERSC Launches Next-Generation Code Optimization Effort

August 11, 2014

The new NERSC Exascale Science Applications Program (NESAP) is a robust application readiness effort launched to support NERSC’s next-generation supercomputer, Cori Read More »

Ten Projects Awarded NERSC Allocations under DOE’s ALCC Program

June 24, 2014

Under the Department of Energy’s ASCR Leadership Computing Challenge program, 10 research teams at national laboratories and universities have been awarded 382.5 million hours of computing time at the NERSC. Read More »

Berkeley Lab to Collaborate with Intel in Updating Scientific Applications for Manycore Architectures

June 18, 2014

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory has been named an Intel Parallel Computing Center (IPCC), a collaboration with Intel aimed at adapting existing scientific applications to run on future supercomputers built with manycore processors. Such supercomputers will have millions of processor cores, but today’s applications aren’t designed to take advantage of this architecture. Read More »

Peter Nugent Named Deputy for Scientific Engagement

June 3, 2014

eter Nugent has been appointed Deputy for Scientific Engagement in Berkeley Lab’s CRD. In his new role, Nugent will work with CRD and Computing Sciences leadership to develop and implement a strategy for engaging with other Berkeley Lab scientific divisions in need of computational solutions for data-intensive science projects. Read More »

Two Peas in a Pod: How NERSC & ESnet Grew Up Together

May 15, 2014

Two of the Department of Energy’s most scientifically productive user facilities share a 'super' history. Read More »

NERSC, Cray, Intel to Collaborate on Next-Generation Supercomputer

April 29, 2014

Scheduled for delivery in mid-2016, the new Cray XC system will deliver 10x the sustained computing capability of NERSC’s Hopper system, further enhancing scientific discovery at the Department of Energy's Office of Science. Read More »

Petascale Post-Doc Project a Supercomputing Success Story

March 24, 2014

The first post-doctoral research project centered at NERSC is being credited with helping its participants advance their careers and boosting the state-of-the-art in high performance scientific computing software applications. Read More »

NERSC Gateways Pave Way for ‘Team Science’

March 12, 2014

Computational scientists at NERSC work with researchers around the globe to develop online tools that are changing the way they compute and collaborate Read More »

20th Century Reanalysis Project Featured in HPCWire Podcast

March 11, 2014

Long-time NERSC user Dr. Gil Compo and the 20th Century Reanalysis project were featured March 10 in an HPCWire podcast. Read More »

NERSC, LBL Researchers Share Materials Science Advances at APS

March 3, 2014

NERSC and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBL) were well represented at the American Physical Society (APS) March meeting, March 3-7 in Denver, CO. Read More »

NCSA's Bill Kramer Assesses NERSC's HPC Legacy

February 8, 2014

At the Feb. 4-5 NERSC User Group meeting marking the center’s 40th anniversary, invited speaker Bill Kramer used the occasion to assess NERSC’s legacy to the high performance computing (HPC) community. Kramer, who is the director and principle investigator of the Blue Waters Project at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications in Illinois, was one of the first NERSC employees hired by LBNL when the center moved to Berkeley Lab. He spent 12 years as NERSC’s general manager. Read More »

NERSC Announces Second Annual HPC Achievement Awards

February 4, 2014

NERSC announced the winners of its second annual High Performance Computing (HPC) Achievement Awards on Feb. 5, 2014, during the annual NERSC User Group meeting at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab). Read More »

Memorial Gathering Pending for NERSC’s Michael Welcome

February 4, 2014

A celebration of life is pending for Michael Welcome, a member of NERSC’s Mass Storage Group, who collapsed at work on Thursday, Jan. 30, and subsequently died. Welcome spent his entire career working for computing organizations at Lawrence Berkeley and Lawrence Livermore national laboratories. He was 56. Read More »

Edison Electrifies Scientific Computing

January 31, 2014

The National Energy Research Scientific Computing (NERSC) Center recently accepted “Edison,” a new flagship supercomputer designed for scientific productivity. Named in honor of American inventor Thomas Alva Edison, the Cray XC30 will be dedicated in a ceremony held at the Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) on Feb. 5, and scientists are already reporting results. Read More »

Early Edison Users Deliver Results

January 31, 2014

Before any supercomputer is accepted at NERSC, scientists are invited to put the system through its paces during an “early science” phase. While the main aim of this period is to test the new system, many scientists are able to use the time to significantly advance their work. Read More »

NERSC@40: How It All Began

January 30, 2014

In 1974, an almost-obsolete supercomputer once used for defense research was made available to support the fusion energy research community, the first time such a powerful computing resource was used for unclassified scientific computing. Read More »

David Skinner Named NERSC Strategic Partnerships Lead

January 24, 2014

NERSC created a new position—Strategic Partnerships Lead, to identify new science communities that can benefit from NERSC resources. David Skinner, 15-year NERSC veteran and former head of the facility’s Outreach Software and Programming Group, will fill the role. Read More »

NERSC Enhances PDSF, Genepool Computing Capabilities

January 3, 2014

The Linux computing resources that support the Parallel Distributed Systems Facility and Genepool systems at NERSC have been expanded to give users faster access to their data. Read More »

NERSC Kicks Off 40th Anniversary with 2014 Supercomputer Calendar

December 23, 2013

NERSC is kicking off a year-long celebration of its 40th anniversary with a free, downloadable 2014 calendar that takes a unique look back at the center's supercomputing history. Read More »

NERSC Supports Top Breakthroughs of 2013

December 20, 2013

Research supported by NERSC is being honored by end-of-year reviews in two leading magazines: Physics World and WIRED. The IceCube South Pole Neutrino Observatory was notably named to both lists, being honored as the most important discovery by Physics World. Read More »

Richard Gerber Named New NERSC User Services Group Lead

December 12, 2013

Richard Gerber has been named leader of the NERSC User Services Group, effective immediately. He takes over for Katie Antypas, who was appointed head of the NERSC Services Department in September 2013. Read More »

Collaboration Shines in Materials Project Success

December 12, 2013

Scientific American featured a Computing Sciences-powered project on its December cover as a top world-changing idea of 2013. The Materials Project aims to take the guesswork out of finding the best material for a job—be it a new battery electrode or a lightweight spacecraft body—by making the characteristics of every inorganic compound available to any interested scientist. Berkeley Lab Computing Sciences’ talent and resources combined to help grow this promising project into the world-changing idea it is today. Read More »

New Metadata Organizer and Archive Streamlines JGI Data Management

December 5, 2013

A new centralized data management system at NERSC is helping researchers at the Joint Genome Institute deal more efficiently and effectively with the vast amounts of data yielded by increasingly complex bioinformatics projects. Read More »