NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery for 50 Years

New User and Data Analytics Training

February 23, 2015

Monday, Feb. 23 - New User and Data Analytics Training

NERSC (Berkeley Lab Building 943), 415 20th Street, Oakland, CA

If you plan to attend, please register here. There is no registration fee, but your registration helps us plan the event.  To attend remotely via WebEx, please see Remote Setup.  Note that the morning session "New User Training" and the afternoon session "Data and Analytics Topics" are two distinct WebEx events.

  New User Training (Morning)Presenter
 8:30 NERSC Overview  David Turner
 8:45 Accounts and Allocations  David Turner
 9:00 Connecting to NERSC  Yushu Yao
 9:30 User Computing Environment  David Turner
10:00 BREAK  
10:15 Submitting and Running Jobs
 Scott French
10:45 Data Management  Lisa Gerhardt
11:30 Data Services  Yushu Yao
11:45 Next Steps and Wrapup  David Turner
12:00 Lunch On your own.
  Data and Analytics Topics (Afternoon)  
13:15 Data and Analytics Strategy  Prabhat
13:45 Workflows Shreyas Cholia
14:15 Data Analytics with SciDB Yushu Yao
14:45 BREAK  
15:00 Visualization with Paraview Burlen Loring
16:00 Visualization with VisIt Hari Krishnan
17:00 Adjourn  

