Paul Lin

Application Performance Specialist
1 Cyclotron Road
M/S 59R3103
Biographical Sketch
Paul is a member of the Application Performance Group. Prior to joining NERSC, he was at Sandia National Laboratories. Paul has a background in computational fluid dynamics and sparse iterative linear solvers (preconditioners and multigrid methods). He earned a Ph.D. in mechanical and aerospace engineering from Princeton University.
Journal Articles
Paul T. Lin, John N. Shadid, Paul H. Tsuji, "On the performance of Krylov smoothing for fully coupled AMG preconditioners for VMS resistive MHD", International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, December 21, 2019, 120:1297-1309, doi: 10.1002/nme.6178
Paul T. Lin, John N. Shadid, Jonathan J. Hu, Roger P. Pawlowki, Eric C. Cyr, "Performance of fully-coupled algebraic multigrid preconditioners for large-scale VMS resistive MHD", Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, December 15, 2018, 344:782-793, doi: 10.1016/
Paul T. Lin, Michael A. Heroux, Richard F. Barrett, Alan B. Williams, "Assessing a mini-application as a performance proxy for a finite element method engineering application", Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, July 30, 2015, 27:5374–5389, doi: 10.1002/cpe.3587
Richard F. Barrett, Paul S. Crozier, Douglas W. Doerfler, Michael A. Heroux, Paul T. Lin, Heidi K. Thornquist, Timothy G. Trucano, Courtenay T. Vaughan, "Assessing the role of mini-applications in predicting key performance characteristics of scientific and engineering applications", Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, January 1, 2015, 75:107-122, doi: 10.1016/j.jpdc.2014.09.006
Paul Lin, Matthew Bettencourt, Stefan Domino, Travis Fisher, Mark Hoemmen, Jonathan Hu, Eric Phipps, Andrey Prokopenko, Siva Rajamanickam, Christopher Siefert, Stephen Kennon, "Towards extreme-scale simulations for low Mach fluids with second-generation Trilinos", Parallel Processing Letters, January 1, 2014, 24:1-20, doi: 10.1142/S0129626414420055
S.S. Dosanjh, R.F. Barrett, D.W. Doerfler, S.D. Hammond, K.S. Hemmert, M.A. Heroux, P.T. Lin, K.T. Pedretti, A.F. Rodrigues, T.G. Trucano, J.P. Juitjens, "Exascale Design Space Exploration and Co-Design", Future Generation Computer Systems, Volume 30, Pages 46-58, January 2014,
- Download File: Exascale-design-space-exploration-and-co-design.pdf (pdf: 3.9 MB)
Paul T. Lin, "Improving multigrid performance for unstructured mesh drift-diffusion simulations on 147,000 cores", International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, May 30, 2012, 91:971-989, doi: 10.1002/nme.4315
Paul T. Lin, John N. Shadid, "Towards large-scale multi-socket, multicore parallel simulations: Performance of an MPI-only semiconductor device simulator", Journal of Computational Physics, September 20, 2010, 229:6804-6818, doi: 10.1016/
Paul T. Lin, John N. Shadid, Raymond S. Tuminaro, Marzio Sala, Gary L. Hennigan, Roger P. Pawlowski, "A parallel fully coupled algebraic multilevel preconditioner applied to multiphysics PDE applications: drift-diffusion, flow/transport/reaction, resistive MHD", International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, September 3, 2010, 64:1148-1179, doi: 10.1002/fld.2402
J. Tomkins, R. Brightwell, W. Camp, S. Dosanjh, S. Kelly, P. Lin, C. Vaughan, J. Levesque, V. Tipparaju, "The Red Storm Architecture and Early Experiences with Multi-Core Processors", International Journal of Distributed Systems and Technologies, Vol. 1, Issue 2, pp. 74-93, April 19, 2010, doi: 10.4018/jdst.2010040105
- Download File: Red-Storm-2010.pdf (pdf: 231 KB)