NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery for 50 Years

2025 Call for Proposals to use NERSC Resources

Overview and Schedule

The Office of Science (SC) of the U. S. Department of Energy (DOE) solicits proposals for Allocation Year (AY) 2025 allocations of high performance computing resources at the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC) at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Proposals must support the mission of the DOE Office of Science and can be submitted starting August 12, 2024.

All current projects (including Exploratory, Education, and Director’s Reserve, BUT excluding ALCC) must be renewed for AY 2025 if you wish to continue using NERSC. New project requests should be submitted at this time as well (to start in AY 2025).

The deadline for submitting AY 2025 NERSC proposals (both renewed and new) is October 7, 2024, at 5 p.m. Pacific Time.

While NERSC accepts proposals at any time during the year, applicants are encouraged to submit proposals by this deadline if they wish to receive full consideration for AY 2025.

Award decisions for requests submitted before this deadline will be emailed to Principal Investigators and Project Managers the week of December 16, 2024.

AY 2025 allocations will be awarded for the period of January 15, 2025, through January 13, 2026.

Submitting Your Request

Requests to use NERSC resources are submitted via the ERCAP (Energy Research Computing Allocations Process) Request Form. See Help for the ERCAP Allocations Request Form.

Most projects fall under the "Class" of "DOE Mission Science." Unless you know otherwise, you should select this class on the ERCAP form.


If you need help with your AY 2025 allocation request, please submit a help request through NERSC's user help portal or send an email to

A video presentation of an overview of the ERCAP form and process is available on YouTube.


NERSC supports research that reflects the mission of DOE’s Office of Science (SC). All Principal Investigators funded by the Office of Science may apply for an allocation of NERSC resources. In addition, researchers who are not directly funded by DOE SC but who conduct research projects relevant to its mission may also apply to use NERSC resources. If you are not funded by the DOE Office of Science you should explain how your research falls within the DOE mission

Available Resources

The following resources are available for AY 2025 allocation requests:

  • CPU compute time on Perlmutter CPU-only nodes. 
  • GPU compute time on Perlmutter's GPU-accelerated nodes 
  • Community File System (CFS) storage
  • HPSS Archival storage

Each of these resources is allocated separately. 

Sizing Your Request

For AY 2025, you must enter requests for allocations of CPU-only compute time and GPU-accelerated compute time separately in the ERCAP form. Time allocated for CPU-only use cannot be used to run on Perlmutter's GPUs and vice-versa.

Allocations of compute time for AY 2025 will be based on units of “node hours.” You must size your request for AY 2025 appropriately in these units. See Compute Usage Charging for details.

When you submit your DOE Mission Science proposal, it will be evaluated by the Office of Science program you select in your proposal. Each of these programs has a pool of time to distribute and your allocation is drawn from these pools. To help you size your request, the table below lists the programs and the total size of their AY 2025 allocation pools. The ERCAP form will give you a warning if you request more than 10% of the program’s allocation pool.

Total Node hours available at NERSC in AY 2025
 DOE SC Program Office AY2025 CPU Node Hours Available to Allocate AY2025 GPU Node Hours Available to Allocate
Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR) 526,700 289,700
Biological and Environmental Research (BER): Earth and Environmental Systems Sciences Division 2,225,600 1,224,100
Biological and Environmental Research (BER): Biological Systems Science Division 513,500 282,400
Basic Energy Sciences (BES) - Chemical Sciences, Geosciences and Biosciences 3,389,600 1,864,300
Basic Energy Sciences (BES) - Materials Sciences and Engineering 2,895,700 1,592,600
Basic Energy Sciences (BES) - Scientific User Facilities 610,100 335,500
Fusion Energy Sciences (FES) 2,502,100 1,376,200
High Energy Physics (HEP) 3,007,900 1,654,300
Nuclear Physics (NP) 2,238,800 1,231,300
SBIR 89,500 49,200
Total 17,999,500 9,899,600

When requesting GPU Node hours on Perlmutter, you will be required to provide justification regarding your code's readiness for running on GPUs. Please review our guidelines for determining your code's GPU readiness here. 

Submissions by New NERSC Users/Principal Investigators

New PIs (who do not have a NERSC login name) must fill out the New PI Account request form. Once this is done, the Account Support group will notify the new PI about how to set a password to be used to access the ERCAP system. See Applying for your First NERSC Allocation. Once you can access the ERCAP system, most of your questions can be answered by referring to the online ERCAP documentation.

Accessing the ERCAP Allocation Request Form

Current NERSC users must log in using their NERSC login name, password, and MFA OTP in order to access the ERCAP request form. If you have forgotten your NERSC password, you can get a new password by following the forgot password link on the Iris login page.

You will also be required to sign in using Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). If you have not already set up MFA for your account, you can find our online documentation here: Multi-Factor Authentication

After you have logged into the ERCAP form, and if you do not end up on the ERCAP Requests dashboard, find the ERCAP Requests section on the left-hand navigation menu and select the Manage My Requests link. If you want to keep your current project in AY 2025, make sure that you click on the green Request a Project Renewal for 2025 button rather than start a request for a new project.

See ERCAP Allocation Request Form.

Designating Authorized Preparers to fill out the Request Form

Principal Investigators can designate one or more "Authorized Preparers" who can help fill in the ERCAP request form for the PI (or in conjunction with the PI). See Apply for Your First Allocation.