NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery for 50 Years

NERSC 50th Anniversary

In 2024, NERSC celebrates its 50th anniversary, commemorating half a century of computational breakthroughs and supercharged science.

Over the course of 2024, the center will present seminars, activities, and special events to mark a half-century of scientific computing excellence. Some highlights include a 50th Anniversary seminar seriesscientific visualization art contest for NERSC users, and a special edition of the annual NERSC Users Meeting in Berkeley, CA.

Legacy and Mission Grounded in Science

Founded in 1974 with a retired computer, NERSC has grown into a powerhouse of scientific productivity and high performance computing excellence, including affiliation with six Nobel prizes. We take pride in our unique heritage as we look forward to powering another 50 years of scientific discovery.

»Visit our interactive timeline for more NERSC history.

NERSC 50th Anniversary News

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50 Years of NERSC Firsts

January 25, 2024

From its humble beginnings in 1974 to today, we present NERSC firsts and highlights over its 50 year history. Read More »

NERSC Celebrates 50 Years in 2024

January 4, 2024

In 2024, NERSC will celebrate the latest of many milestones: 50 years of service to the global science community. Read More »

NERSC 50th Anniversary Year Kicks Off at SC23

November 29, 2023

The National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC) turns 50 in 2024, and celebrations are already underway. Read More »

Sudip Dosanjh to Focus on NERSC’s Past, Present, and Future in Featured Presentation at SC23

November 6, 2023

As part of the kickoff of NERSC’s 50th anniversary in 2024, NERSC Director Sudip Dosanjh will reflect on the facility’s first 50 years and look ahead to the next exciting chapters during a featured presentation in the DOE booth at SC23. Read More »

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