NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery for 50 Years

Performance Portability Series: Raja, Oct 10, 2023

October 10, 2023


The Raja training session, presented by Robert Chen of LLNL is part of the Performance Portability training series. This series, offered by OLCF and NERSC, features training sessions on various performance portable programming solutions to help ease developer transitions between current and emerging high-performance computing (HPC) systems, such as the NERSC Perlmutter, OLCF Frontier, and ALCF Aurora feature NVIDIA-, AMD-, and Intel-based GPUs, respectively.

Time: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm (Pacific time), Tuesday, October 10 (online only)


Primarily developed at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), RAJA is a C++ library offering software abstractions that enable architecture and programming model portability for HPC application codes. RAJA offers portable, parallel loop execution by providing building blocks that extend the generally-accepted parallel for idiom. RAJA’s main goals are (1) to enable application portability with manageable disruption to existing code and (2) to achieve performance comparable to direct use of programming models such as OpenMP, CUDA, etc.

This is a 1-part session that will allow participants to learn from and interact directly with RAJA team members. The session will give a general overview of RAJA and cover the basics of using RAJA abstractions to offload work to the GPUs. Throughout the session, a variety of quiz-like puzzles will be used to engage the audience and reinforce concepts.


This event will be presented online only using Zoom.  Registration is required for remote participation. Please find more information and register here.

Presentation Materials