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Parallelware Office Hours, June 9, 2021

June 9, 2021

Parallelware Trainer and Parallelware Analyzer are novel tools for the development of C/C++/Fortran parallel code for multicore CPUs and GPUs using OpenMP and OpenACC. Designed in collaboration with experts in parallel programming from High Performance Computing (HPC), they provide a systematic, more predictable approach that leverages parallel programming best practices, and enables the novice to write codes at the level of experts.

Appentra will hold office hours for users who want to get started with Parallelware tools, or who have already begun using the tools and have questions. 


Registration is not required; simply drop in any time between 9 am and noon (Pacific time) on Wednesday, June 9, 2021. You can also add the event to your calendar at this link.