NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery for 50 Years

2002 User Survey Results

All Satisfaction Questions and Changes from Previous Years

  • How Satisfied are you? (sorted by Average Score)
  • How Satisfied are you? (sorted by Number of Responses)
  • 2001 to 2002 Changes
  • 1999 to 2002 Changes




SatisfactionAverage Score
Very Satisfied 6.5 - 7
Mostly Satisfied 5.5 - 6.4
Somewhat Satisfied 4.5 - 5.4



How Satisfied are you? (sorted by Average Score)

Topics from the Overall Satisfaction with NERSC section are indicated in bold; they tend to be answered by more users and rated lower than the topics in the ensuing sections that rate specific areas in more detail.


TopicNo. of ResponsesAverage Score
SP: Uptime 176 6.56
Consulting: Timely Response 207 6.51
HPSS: Reliability 127 6.51
PDSF: Uptime 41 6.51
T3E: Uptime 62 6.48
Consulting: Technical Advice 205 6.47
PVP: Fortran Compilers 34 6.47
PDSF: C/C++ Compilers 35 6.46
PDSF: Fortran Compilers 22 6.45
T3E: Fortran Compilers 49 6.45
Consulting: Time to Solve Problems 198 6.40
Consulting: Response to Special Requests 136 6.40
Consulting: Followup 188 6.39
Account Support Services 240 6.38
HPSS: Overall 142 6.39
PDSF: User Environment 39 6.38
SP: Overall 187 6.38
HPSS: Uptime 125 6.37
SP: Fortran Compilers 125 6.37
HPSS: Performance 126 6.35
Overall Satisfaction with NERSC 285 6.32
PVP: Uptime 39 6.31
Consulting Services 229 6.30
PDSF: Overall 46 6.26
Web: Accuracy 202 6.25
PDSF: Software Libraries 29 6.24
T3E: User Environment 54 6.24
Training: New User's Guide 138 6.21
PDSF: Applications 29 6.21
Web: Timeliness 181 6.20
PDSF: Running Interactively 39 6.18
Software Maintenance & Configuration 202 6.17
Web: Running Jobs 198 6.15
PVP: User Environment 34 6.15
T3E: Software Libraries 39 6.13
SP: User Environment 165 6.12
T3E: Overall 72 6.11
SP: C/C++ Compilers 76 6.11
Hardware Management & Configuration 210 6.10
HPCF Website 224 6.09
SP: Software Libraries 119 6.09
Network Connectivity 230 6.07
PVP: Overall 47 6.06
Mass Storage Facilities 205 6.04
T3E: C/C++ Compilers 25 6.04
PDSF: Tools & Utilities 28 6.04
PDSF: SW Bug Resolution 24 6.00
NIM Interface 91 6.00
PVP: I/O 27 6.00
Available Software 243 5.98
Training: Online Tutorials 108 5.97
Available Computing Hardware 242 5.97
T3E: Tools & Utilities 35 5.97
PDSF: Queue Structure 39 5.97
SP: I/O 143 5.97
Web: SP Pages 181 5.96
Web: Software Pages 168 5.96
HPSS: User Interface 130 5.95
Consulting: Online Web Interface 109 5.94
PVP: C/C++ Compilers 14 5.93
SP: Queue Structure 165 5.92
Web: T3E Pages 84 5.89
Training: Web Pages 99 5.89
Web: Programming Info 178 5.85
T3E: SW Bug Resolution 26 5.85
Web: File Storage Pages 114 5.84
Allocations Process 194 5.84
T3E: SW Applications 31 5.84
PVP: Ability to Run Interactively 33 5.82
Web: PDSF 37 5.81
Web: Finding Info 229 5.80
SP: Tools & Utilities 113 5.80
T3E: Perf. & Debugging Tools 32 5.78
T3E: Queue Structure 56 5.76
SP: SW Applications 90 5.70
PVP: Queue Structure 36 5.69
T3E: I/O 47 5.68
Web: Searching 175 5.66
PDSF: I/O 38 5.63
PVP: SW Libraries 28 5.61
PVP: SW Bug Resolution 15 5.60
SP: SW Bug Resolution 78 5.59
PVP: Tools & Utilities 21 5.57
Web: PVP Pages 55 5.55
SP: Perf. & Debug Tools 112 5.49
SP: Ability to Run Interactively 150 5.47
PVP: SW Applications 16 5.44
Viz Server: Escher 9 5.44
SP: Batch Wait Time 175 5.41
Math Server: Newton 8 5.38
PVP: Perf. & Debug Tools 18 5.33
Training: Slides from Classes 60 5.33
PDSF: Perf. & Debug Tools 28 5.25
T3E: Batch Wait Time 61 5.23
Training: Classes 40 5.12
Training: Overall 103 4.99
Visualization Services 94 4.83
PVP: Batch Wait Time 35 4.77



How Satisfied are you? (sorted by Number of Responses)

This ordering helps to indicate which services are used most by users (and is probably a better indicator than the services clicked for the question What NERSC resources do you use?


TopicNo. of ResponsesAverage Score
Overall Satisfaction with NERSC 285 6.32
Available Software 243 5.98
Account Support Services 240 6.38
Available Computing Hardware 242 5.97
Network Connectivity 230 6.07
Consulting Services 229 6.30
Web: Finding Info 229 5.80
HPCF Website 224 6.09
Hardware Management & Configuration 210 6.10
Consulting: Timely Response 207 6.51
Consulting: Technical Advice 205 6.47
Mass Storage Facilities 205 6.04
Web: Accuracy 202 6.25
Software Maintenance & Configuration 202 6.17
Consulting: Time to Solve Problems 198 6.40
Web: Running Jobs 198 6.15
Allocations Process 194 5.84
Consulting: Followup 188 6.39
SP: Overall 187 6.38
Web: Timeliness 181 6.20
Web: SP Pages 181 5.96
Web: Programming Info 178 5.85
SP: Uptime 176 6.56
Web: Searching 175 5.66
SP: Batch Wait Time 175 5.41
Web: Software Pages 168 5.96
SP: User Environment 165 6.12
SP: Queue Structure 165 5.92
SP: Ability to Run Interactively 150 5.47
SP: I/O 143 5.97
HPSS: Overall 142 6.39
Training: New User's Guide 138 6.21
Consulting: Response to Special Requests 136 6.40
HPSS: User Interface 130 5.95
HPSS: Reliability 127 6.51
HPSS: Performance 126 6.35
HPSS: Uptime 125 6.37
SP: Fortran Compilers 125 6.37
SP: Software Libraries 119 6.09
Web: File Storage Pages 114 5.84
SP: Tools & Utilities 113 5.80
SP: Perf. & Debug Tools 112 5.49
Consulting: Online Web Interface 109 5.94
Training: Online Tutorials 108 5.97
Training: Overall 103 4.99
Training: Web Pages 99 5.89
Visualization Services 94 4.83
NIM Interface 91 6.00
SP: SW Applications 90 5.70
Web: T3E Pages 84 5.89
SP: SW Bug Resolution 78 5.59
SP: C/C++ Compilers 76 6.11
T3E: Overall 72 6.11
T3E: Uptime 62 6.48
T3E: Batch Wait Time 61 5.23
Training: Slides from Classes 60 5.33
T3E: Queue Structure 56 5.76
Web: PVP Pages 55 5.55
T3E: User Environment 54 6.24
T3E: Fortran Compilers 49 6.45
PVP: Overall 47 6.06
T3E: I/O 47 5.68
PDSF: Overall 46 6.26
PDSF: Uptime 41 6.51
Training: Classes 40 5.12
PDSF: User Environment 39 6.38
PVP: Uptime 39 6.31
PDSF: Running Interactively 39 6.18
T3E: Software Libraries 39 6.13
PDSF: Queue Structure 39 5.97
PDSF: I/O 38 5.63
Web: PDSF 37 5.81
PVP: Queue Structure 36 5.69
PDSF: C/C++ Compilers 35 6.46
T3E: Tools & Utilities 35 5.97
PVP: Batch Wait Time 35 4.77
PVP: Fortran Compilers 34 6.47
PVP: User Environment 34 6.15
PVP: Ability to Run Interactively 33 5.82
T3E: Perf. & Debugging Tools 32 5.78
T3E: SW Applications 31 5.84
PDSF: Software Libraries 29 6.24
PDSF: Applications 29 6.21
PDSF: Tools & Utilities 28 6.04
PVP: SW Libraries 28 5.61
PDSF: Perf. & Debug Tools 28 5.25
PVP: I/O 27 6.00
T3E: SW Bug Resolution 26 5.85
T3E: C/C++ Compilers 25 6.04
PDSF: SW Bug Resolution 24 6.00
PDSF: Fortran Compilers 22 6.45
PVP: Tools & Utilities 21 5.57
PVP: Perf. & Debug Tools 18 5.33
PVP: SW Applications 16 5.44
PVP: SW Bug Resolution 15 5.60
PVP: C/C++ Compilers 14 5.93
Viz Server: Escher 9 5.44
Math Server: Newton 8 5.3


2001 to 2002 Changes:

The following are statistically significant changes for responses to questions common to the 2001 and 2002 user surveys.


Topic2002 Score2001 Score Change
SP: Uptime 6.56 5.53 +1.03
SP: Perf. & Debugging Tools 5.49 4.69 +0.80
SP: Ability to Run Interactively 5.47 4.71 +0.76
SP: Queue Structure 5.92 5.19 +0.73
SP: Overall 6.38 5.82 +0.56
SP: Batch Wait Time 5.41 4.92 +0.49
SP: Fortran Compilers 6.36 5.96 +0.40
T3E: Queue Structure 5.76 5.36 +0.40
SP: C/C++ Compilers 6.11 5.72 +0.39
T3E: Tools & Utilities 5.97 5.65 +0.32
Visualization Services 4.83 4.51 +0.32
SP: I/O 5.97 5.67 +0.30
Hardware Maintenance & Config. 6.10 5.82 +0.28
Training: New User's Guide 6.21 5.94 +0.27
T3E: Uptime 6.48 6.22 +0.26
Software Maintenance & Config. 6.17 5.92 +0.25
Web: SP Pages 5.96 5.78 +0.18
Available Software 5.98 5.81 +0.17
Allocations Process 5.84 6.00 -0.16
PVP: Perf. & Debugging Tools 5.33 6.06 -0.73



1999 to 2002 Changes:

The following are statistically significant changes for responses to questions common to the 1999 and 2002 user surveys (1999 was prior to the SP's arrival at NERSC).


Topic2002 Score1999 Score Change
PVP: Overall 6.06 5.05 +1.01
PVP: Batch Wait Times 4.77 3.95 +0.82
PVP: Queue Structure 5.69 5.03 +0.66
PVP: Ability to Run Interactively 5.82 5.18 +0.64
Visualization Services 4.83 4.37 +0.46
HPSS: Performance 6.35 5.90 +0.45
T3E: I/O 5.68 5.23 +0.45
PVP: I/O 6.00 5.56 +0.44
PVP: Fortran Compilers 6.47 6.04 +0.43
Hardware Maintenance & Config. 6.10 5.71 +0.39
T3E: Queue Structure 5.76 5.47 +0.29
Software Maintenance & Config. 6.17 5.89 +0.28
HPSS: Overall 6.39 6.12 +0.27
T3E: Fortran Compilers 6.45 6.20 +0.25
HPCF Website 6.09 5.87 +0.22
T3E: Uptime 6.48 6.26 +0.22
Web: Timeliness of Info 6.20 5.99 +0.21
Consulting: Timely Response 6.51 6.64 -0.13
Consulting: Overall 6.30 6.58 -0.28
Training: Slides from Classes 5.33 5.95 -0.62
PVP: Software Libraries 5.61 6.40 -0.81
Training: Classes 5.12 6.19 -1.07