NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery for 50 Years

Chris Samuel

Chirs Samuel
Chris Samuel
HPC Systems Engineer
Computational Systems Group
1 Cyclotron Road
M/S 59R4010A
Berkeley, CA 94720 us

Biographical Sketch

Chris Samuel is a computer systems engineer at NERSC, which he joined in December 2018.  He holds a BSc in Physics with Planetary and Space Physics and before working at LBL he spent over 15 years working in HPC in Australia including on some of its largest systems and before that 10 years as a UNIX systems administrator and IT security specialist in the UK.

Chris's main focus at NERSC is the Slurm batch system that schedules the workload on NERSC's supercomputers, but as an experienced systems administrator also turns his hand to many other tasks that face the Computational Systems Group.

Conference Papers

"Using Slurm to Balance the XC Equation" - Douglas Jacobsen (NERSC), Brian Christiansen (SchedMD LLC), and Christopher Samuel (NERSC) - Cray User Group Meeting 2019 Montreal