NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery for 50 Years

Workflow Software for Managing Large-Scale Job Campaigns at ALCF, Apr 26, 2023

April 26, 2023


This webinar presented by Christine Simpson (ALCF) is part of the ALCF Developer Sessions, and is also open to NERSC users. 

Date and Time: 9:00 - 10:00 am (Pacific time), April 26 (Wednesday) 


Most users have a 'workflow', a set of steps they take to execute their applications and generate and interpret results. What happens when a workflow becomes large and complex? Workflow management tools are designed to meet this challenge. ALCF supports multiple tools that can help users:

- execute large numbers of independent tasks
- manage the import or export of data for tasks
- coordinate the execution of dependent tasks
- orchestrate dynamic workflows that incorporate ML or AI models

This seminar will discuss tools used at ALCF and show examples of how these tools can be used on Polaris.

Please find more information about the speaker and register on the event page of the ALCF Developer Sessions

Presentation Materials