NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery for 50 Years

2007/2008 User Survey Results

Web Interfaces


SatisfactionAverage Score
Mostly Satisfied - High 6.00 - 6.49
Mostly Satisfied - Low 5.50 - 5.99
Significance of Change
not significant

Satisfaction with Web Interfaces

7=Very satisfied, 6=Mostly satisfied, 5=Somewhat satisfied, 4=Neutral, 3=Somewhat dissatisfied, 2=Mostly dissatisfied, 1=Very dissatisfied

ItemNum who rated this item as:Total ResponsesAverage ScoreStd. Dev.Change from 2006
WEB: Accuracy of information   1 3 10 22 121 199 356 6.40 0.83 -0.02
WEB: NERSC web site overall (     3 12 16 158 194 383 6.38 0.78 -0.01
On-line help desk 1     14 15 85 115 230 6.29 0.91 0.08
NIM   1 6 6 33 148 169 363 6.28 0.86 -0.07
WEB: Timeliness of information   1 7 12 24 135 171 350 6.28 0.92 0.07
WEB: Ease of finding information 1 1 13 11 47 163 137 373 6.05 1.02 0.03
WEB: ACTS     1 12 7 22 29 71 5.93 1.15  
WEB: Searching 1 2 7 23 27 67 55 182 5.71 1.24 -0.12


Comments about web interfaces:   24 responses

Comments about NIM:   9 comments

About "NIM web interface", please make any unclear words to link their explanations. Please avoid abbreviation of words.

It took me a little time to learn the NIM interface, but as I use it more I do find it very efficient.

... Nim is very difficult to use for complicated queries on account usage.

I know there is an incantation that will allow me to see how much I was charged for every job run in a specific timeframe, but I keep forgetting it. I would suggest making the NIM webpage show that option in clear English. Also, when I want to change a password, the option shouldn't be buried under a "Actions" button.

After much investigation, I still do not know my allocation of computer hours or how much of it I have used. This may be a problem with my liaison in these matters: Lawrence Buja at NCAR. Lawrence cannot answer these questions for me. (I am not sure why...) It is difficult to proceed with my work not knowing how much resources are left in my account. I cannot believe the online accounting information which shows that I have only used 5% after running CAM3 for 6900 years.

The NIM user interface appears to have been written in 1998 by a Berkeley undergrad as a homework assignment on how to use frames and drop-down menus. Other than that it's great.

NIM is a bit unordered I think and could be laid out better

NIM is horribly slow.

Accounting information needs better/more convenient descriptions. The current descriptions are vague and difficult to interpret, and the keys to the abbreviations are difficult to locate.

Suggestions for improvement /difficulties using:   9 comments

I have found the search facility to be almost useless on the web site. This is something that could be dramatically improved. For example, search on "ftp". With the results, do you know how to send an outbound ftp? ...

software info on website can be difficult to find and/or one must download large PDF files -- not necessarily optimum

Some programming documentation on Franklin is out of date.

The information, at least last time I checked, for using the parallel versions of Molpro on the different systems (e.g. Jacquard, Bassi, etc.) are out of date.

I would add a interactive moderated wiki with detailed instructions on using software and hardware on different platform. Wiki is the future all else is past.

... Any website takes some amount of learning to become comfortable with. At times I have found the locations of some information unintuitive at first, but once I know where it is I'm fine.

I think the NERSC website needs a major upgrade and a new look and feel.

I don't recall using search or ACTS.

PDSF diagnostics and metrics are improving, and this should continue. For example, the batch utilization numbers are presently useful. However, ganglia diagnostics are not.

Good website:   7 comments

I have recently used a different resources at a different supercomputing facility, and can say without doubt that the NERSC website is superior. Very helpful.

The web site is very good. Everything is there.

Excellent web documentation. Everything I know I learned from the we docs.

The software applications documentation has always been up-to-date, i.e. example scripts executed as they were supposed to. ...

The NERSC web site is one of the few that I've seen on computer systems that is easy to navigate, useful for both beginners and for more advanced users, and easy to locate information. No single part is necessarily excellent, but overall it is really impressive.

Great. It gets better all the time.

I liked the clean/simple CSS style so much that I used it for a basis of our group's module documentation website: So I say, nice work!

Good online help desk:   1 comment

The online help desk has a very nice interface. I like it a lot.